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TPS: Resolution on the AGM in 2022
HOSE - 3/16/2022 4:59:00 PM
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On March 11, 2022, Tien Phong Securities Corporation (TPS) announces the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting 2022 to approve the following contents:

  1. The AGM approved the report on the BOD activities in 2021 and plan for 2022.
  2. The AGM approved the report on business result in 2021 and business plan in 2022:


Performance in 2021

(VND billion)

Plan in 2022

(VND billion)







Profit before tax




  1. The AGM approved the report from the Supervisory Board in 2021 and plan for 2022.
  2. The AGM approved the audited financial statements in 2021.
  3. The AGM approved the remuneration of the BOD, Supervisory Board.
  4. The AGM approved the plan for 2021 profit distribution:

Unit: VND


Plan in 2021

Performance in 2021

Profit after tax



Undistributed profit after tax



Appropriation to charter capital supplementary reserve (5%)



Appropriation to Financial reserve fund and business risk (5%)



Retaining profit after the distribution to funds




  1. The AGM approved the issuance of VND3,000 billion bonds:

-          Issuer: Tien Phong Securities Corporation

-          Bond type: un-convertible bonds, unsecured and without warrants

-          Par value: 100,000 dongs/bond

-          Issue price: 100% par value

-          Total value of issuance (estimated): 3,000,000,000,000 dongs

-          Bond term: 05 years

-          Interest payemnt term: Once every three months or Once every six months.

-          Issue method: private placement

  1. The AGM approved the share issuance to increase charter capital:

-          Stock name: Tien Phong Securities Corporation

-          Stock code: ORS

-          Stock tpe: common share

-          Par value: 10,000 dongs/share

-          Number of oustanding shares: 200,000,000 shares

-          Charter capital before the issuance: VND2,000,000,000,000

-          Expected issue volume: 300,000,000 shares

-          Total value of issuance(estimated): VND3,000,000,000,000

-          Stock volume after the issuance (estimated): 500,000,000 shares

-          Expected charter capital after the issuance: VND5,000,000,000,000

-          Plan for the additonal issuance:

+ To implement rights to buy shares;

+ Pivate placement of shares.

  1. The AGM approved the offering of Covered Warrants
  2. The AGM approved the derivatives trading.
  3. The AGM approved the foreign ownership ratio limit to 49%
  4. The AGM approved the amendment, supplement of the company’s charter.
  5. The AGM approved the amendment, supplement of the Internal Regulation on Corporate Governance.
  6. The AGM approved the amendment, supplement of the regulation on the BOD activities.
  7. The AGM approved the selection of Vietland as the auditor for the financial statements in 2022.
  8. The AGM approved the amendment, supplement of the regulation on the Supervisory Board activities
  9. The AGM approved the resignation of Mrs. Vo Thi Xuan Lan as member of Supervisory Board for the term 2021 – 2026.
  10. The AGM approved the additional election of Mrs. Ngo Thi Le Thanh as member of Supervisory Board for the term 2021 – 2026.
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