Mobile World Investment Corporation announces the result of stock issuance for dividend payment to existing shareholders as follows:
I. Information on stock:
1) Stock name: Mobile World Investment Corporation
2) Stock type: common share
3) Par value: 10,000 dongs/share
4) Number of shares issued: 475,431,197 shares
5) Number of outstanding shares: 475,271,464 shares
6) Number of treasury shares: 159,733 shares
7) Number of shares expected to be issued: 237,635,732 shares
8) Exercise ratio: 2:1 (Those who own 02 shares will receive 01 new share.)
9) Plan to deal with fractional shares: The distributed shares will be rounded down to units, the fractional shares (if any) will be cancelled.
10) Ending date: August 31, 2021
11) Time for transferring shares: expected in September 2021.
II. Result:
1) Number of distributed shares: 237,634,298 shares; Of which:
- Number of distributed shares to shareholders: 237,634,298 shares for 19,134 shareholders;
- Number of fractional shares: 1,434 shares (These shares will be cancelled.)
2) Total shares after the issuance (August 31, 2021): 713,065,495 shares; Of which:
- Number of outstanding shares: 712,905,762 shares
Number of treasury shares: 159,733 shares.