The Board resolution dated September 17, 2021, the Board of Directors of Petrolimex Joint Stock Tanker Company approved the following issues:
1) Approving the result of the public offering:
- Registered offering volume: 7,680,239 shares
- Distributed volume: 7,230,395 shares
- Total proceeds: VND72,303,950,000
- Fractional shares and unsold shares: 449,844 shares.
2) Approving the plan to continue to distribute the unsold shares and fractional shares in the public offering:
- Selling volume: 449,844 shares
- Offering price: VND10,000/share
- Payment time: from September 20, 2021 to September 23, 2021
- These shares will be restricted in 01 year from the finish date of the offering.
- Bank for blocking depository money:
+ Account holder: Petrolimex Joint Stock Tanker Company
+ Account number: 10125556668
+ Bank: Vietcombank – Gia Dinh branch.