Duc Thanh Wood Processing Joint Stock Company announces an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP):
I. Information on the issuer:
- Issuer: Duc Thanh Wood Processing Joint Stock Company
- Head office: 21/6D Phan Huy Ich, ward 14, Go Vap district, HCMC
- Stock code: GDT
- Charter capital: VND171,369,680,000
II. Purpose of share issue: an employee stock ownership plan
III. Plan for share issue:
− Stock name: Stock of Duc Thanh Wood Processing Joint Stock Company
− Stock type: common stock
− Par value: VND10,000/share
− Total issued volume: 17,136,968 shares
− Outstanding volume: 16,867,808 shares
− Treasury shares: 269,160 shares
− Estimated issue volume: 843,390 shares
− Total issue value: VND8,433,900,000
− Issue ratio: 5% on the outstanding shares
− Restriction time: 100% ESOP shares are restricted within 24 first months. 50% ESOP shares will be transferable after 24 months; and the remaining shares will be transferable after 36 months from the end of share issue.
− Issue price: VND10,000/share
− Subscription time: from June 23, 2021 to July 01, 2021.