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MoIT asks for cooperation in anti-dumping investigation on imported steel products
Vietnam+ - 6/23/2021 3:10:46 PM
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The Trade Remedies Authority under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) said that it had sent questionnaires on end-of-term review of anti-dumping measures against imported galvanized steel products originated from China and the Republic of Korea (RoK) to all foreign steel producers and exporters.
Earlier, on June 4, the MoIT decided to conduct the end-of-term review of anti-dumping measures against galvanized steel products imported from China and the RoK.
On March 30, 2017, the ministry issued a decision on the application of official anti-dumping measures on imported galvanized steel products in five years from April 14, 2017 to April 13, 2022.
According to the Law on Foreign Trade Management and Decree 10/2018/ND-CP, for the end-of-term review, the investigation authority will comprehensively assess the possibility of imported goods being dumped and the possibility that the domestic industry will suffer material injury or be threatened to material injury if anti-dumping measures are removed.
It will also consider the causal relationship between the possibility of dumping and the possibility of damage suffered by the domestic industry, as well as the necessity, rationality and socio-economic impacts of the continued application of anti-dumping measures.
The MoIT also stated that the review will serve as a basis for the investigation authority to collect information and evaluate domestic producers' production and business activities, balance supply and demand, and monitor price movements of galvanized steel products in Vietnam, especially in the context that the steel market is experiencing strong fluctuations.
Therefore, it can make recommendations on whether to continue applying anti-dumping measures or adjust the level of application in accordance with the law and based on the information and practical data collected.
The authority advised all foreign producers and exporters to show full cooperation throughout the investigation process. It added that all information and data submitted by them will be kept confidential in line with the law.
The deadline for submitting the answers is 5pm on July 26, 2021 (Hanoi time)./.
Read original article here
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