BKG VietNam Investment Joint Stock Company announces a resolution of the Annual General Meeting 2021 with the following contents:
1) Approve the 2020 reports of the BOD, the Supervisory Board, and the Management Board.
2) Approve the 2020 audited financial statements, and the audit firm in 2021.
3) Approve business results in 2020 and business plan for 2021.
4) Approve changes of members of the BOD & the Supervisory Board.
5) Approve dividend in 2020 decided by the BOD.
6) Approve plan of increasing charter capital.
- Estimated issued volume: 32,000,000 shares
- Ratio: 1:1
- Booking price: 11,798 dongs/share
- Issued price: 10,000 dongs/share
- Successful ratio: minimum 70% of issued volume
- Expected time: after SSC approves the issuance
7) Approving the remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors in 2021.
8) Approve regulations of the BOD and Supervisory Board in 2021.
9) Approve the supplement of the Company’s business types.
10) Approve the amendment of the Company’s Charter.