Dien Quang Lamp Joint Stock Company (DQ JSC) announces the Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2021 with contents as below.
1) Approving the business result in 2020:
- Consolidated revenue: 940,221,687,831 dongs
- Consolidated profit before tax: 22,424,687,251 dongs
- Dividend: 5%
2) Approving the audited financial statements in 2020.
3) Approving the report from the Supervisory Board activities in 2020.
4) Approving the business plan in 2020:
- Remaining profit: 28,776,469,059 dongs
- Profit after tax of parent company: 7,155,302,459 dongs
- Dividend (5%): 13,779,033,000 dongs
5) Approving the remuneration of the BOD, Supervisory Board, Person.
6) Approving transactions with subsidiaries and affiliates.
7) Approving the selection of the auditor for the financial statements.
8) Approving the amendment and the supplement of the Company’s Business & Charter.
9) Approving regulations of the BOD, & Supervisory Board.