An Pha Petroleum Group Joint Stock Company (ASP) announces the Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2021 dated April 28, 2021 with the following contents:
1) Approving the report from the Chairman of BOD cum Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
2) Approving audited financial statements in 2020.
3) Approving the business plan in 2021:
- Total output: 180,000 – 200,000 tons
- Profit after tax: >=35 billion dongs.
4) Approving the plan for 2020 profit distribution and dividend payment plan in 2021:
- To pay cash dividend for 2020: 500 dongs/share
- To pay dividend for 2021: 500 dongs/share.
5) Approving the signing of one of three audit companies for the financial statements in 2021:
- CPA Vietnam Com Ltd;
- A&C Com Ltd;
- Ernst & Young Vietnam Com Ltd.
6) Approving the remuneration of the BOD in 2021: VND 6,000,000/person/month.