Techcom Vietnam REIT Fund announces the Resolution of Annual General Meeting of investors for the fiscal year 2020, which was convened on April 27, 2021 as follows:
Article 1: Approving the report on business performance for the fiscal year ended at 12/31/2020.
Article 2: Approving the report of the supervisory bank.
Article 3: Approving the audited financial statements.
Article 4: Approving not to distribute the 2020’s profit.
- The 2021 dividend payment: 40%/par value (VND1,400/certificate fund)
Article 5: Approving the operating plan for 2021.
Article 6: Approving the expense plan for the Representative Board.
Article7: Approving to select Ernst & Young Viet Nam Co., Ltd. to audit FUCVREIT’s financial statements for the fiscal year ended at 12/31/2021.
Article 8: This resolution shall take effect from the date of signing.