Transimex Corporation (TMS) announces the Board resolution dated March 08, 2021 with the following contents:
1) Approving the report on the business result in 2020 and plan for 2021.
2) Approving the report on the financial & investment result in 2020 and plan for 2021.
3) Approving to buy Seaspimex shares.
4) Approving to issue non-convertible bond (maximum VND300 billion).
5) Approving to appoint Mr. Le Phuc Tung ass Deputy CEO in 03 years as from April 01, 2021 to March 31, 2024.
6) Approving the contents of the Annual General Meeting 2021:
- Agenda of the Annual General Meeting 2021;
- Regulation for organizing the Annual General Meeting 2021;
- Report on the BOD activities in 2020 and plan for 2021;
- Reports, including:
+ Approving the consolidated audited financial statements in 2019;
+ Report on the selection of the auditor for the financial statements in 2020;
+ Report on the profit distribution, dividend payment in 2019 and plan for 2020.
+ Report on the supplement of business lines;