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Ten-month state budget collection meets over 90 percent of estimate
VietNamPlus - 11/3/2021 12:59:17 PM
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 Total state budget collection in the first ten months of 2021 fulfilled about 90.9 percent of the estimate and was up 5.5 percent year-on-year, showed data released by the Ministry of Finance’s Department of State Budget.
Of the sum, the domestic collection met some 87.9 percent of the estimate and increased by 1.9 percent annually.
Revenue from crude oil and import-export activities went up 12.5 percent and 27.7 percent on-year and exceeded the estimates by 43.6 percent and 6.6 percent, respectively.
According to the ministry, between January and October, 53 localities saw domestic collection meeting over 83 percent of the estimate and 41 localities posted higher figures compared to the same period last year.
Meanwhile, state budget spending during the period was equal to 68.1 percent of the estimate, with a significant amount poured into COVID-19 prevention and control and impact mitigation nationwide. The disbursement of development funding remained slow, reaching only 55.8 percent of the plan assigned by the Prime Minister./.
Read original article here
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