The Board resolution dated September 10, 2021, the BOD of 577 Investment Corporation approved the plan for using treasury shares to distribute to existing shareholders with details as follows:
1) Stock name: 577 Investment Corporation
2) Stock type: common share
3) Par value: VND10,000/share
4) Number of shares issued: 100,475,656 shares
5) Number of outstanding shares: 78,249,916 shares
6) Number of treasury shares: 22,225,740 shares
7) Number of treasury shares to be distributed to existing shareholders: 21,909,977 shares
8) Total value (at par value): VND219,099,770,000
9) Distribution ratio: 7:25 (Those who own 25 shares will receive 07 bonus shares.)
10) Rounding plan: will be rounded down
11) Plan to deal with fractional shares: to sell the fractional shares for Chief Executive Officer under ESOP with VND10,000/share (less than 500,000 shares)
12) For example: at the record date, shareholder A owns 10 shares will receive 2.80 bonus shares (10/25*7). According to rounding policy, the shareholder A will receive 02 shares and fractional shares of 0.80 will be sold for Chief Executive Officer under ESOP with VND10,000/share.
13) Transfer restriction: none
14) Time of implementation: within 30 days from the approval date of State Securities Commission of Vietnam (SSC).