The Board resolution dated October 11, 2021, the Board of Directors of Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank approved the following issues:
1) The cancellation of record date to collect shareholders’ opinions in writing: (i) approving charter, the Internal Regulation on Corporate Governance and (ii) Approval of Regulation on the BOD activities and the Supervisory Board activities.
2) Approving the record date to collect shareholders’ opinions in writing: (i) Approving the cancellation of the plan for issuing 46,594,290 shares (equivalent to 3% of charter capital) according to the General Meeting of Shareholders dated March 24, 2021, (ii) approving the plan for stock offering to existing shareholders to raise capital, (iii) approving the charter, the Internal Regulation on Corporate Governance and (iv) Approval of Regulation on the BOD activities and the Supervisory Board activities.