Wednesday, March 19, 2025 10:36:39 PM - Markets open
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DNSC: Resolution on the EGM 2020
HOSE - 1/12/2021 4:11:00 PM
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Da Nang Securities Joint Stock Company announces the Resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting 2020 dated January 08, 2021 with the following contents:

1)      Approving to cancel the plan of private stock offering to raise its charter capital from VND 60 billion to VND 300 billion and the plan for using capital according to the Resolution No.01/2020/NQ-ĐHĐCĐ dated August 29, 2020.

2)      The resignation of Mr. Nguyen Phu Dong Ha as Chairman of BOD from January 08, 2021.

3)      The resignation of Mr. Le Van Trung as member of BOD from January 08, 2021.

4)      The resignation of Mr. Van Ba Hung as member of BOD from January 08, 2021.

5)      The resignation of Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Quang as member of BOD from January 08, 2021

6)      The resignation of Mr. Nguyen Vu Thanh as member of BOD from January 08, 2021.

7)      Approving the amendment of the company’s charter.

8)      Approving the waiver of procedures for a public tender offer to investors for the transfer of shares of existing shareholders of the Company to new investors, resulting in new investors holds more than 25% of shares presence of DSC.

-          Investor: Mr. Ta Van Manh.

9)      Approving the additional election of members of BOD in the term 2017 – 2022 from January 08, 2021, including:

-          Mr. Nguyen Duc Anh;

-          Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha;

-          Mrs. Nguyen Thi Bich Ha.

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