Tri Viet Securities Joint Stock Corporation announces the Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting 2020 dated July 31, 2020 with the following contents:
1) The EGM approved the resignation of member of Supervisory Board – Mr. Tran Thanh Trung according to his Resigantion Letter.
2) The EGM approved the appointment of Mr. Bui Minh Tuan as member of Supervisory Board for the term 2020 – 2024.
3) The EGM approved the additional election of 3 members of Supervisory Board, including:
- Mr. Han Cong Khanh: Head of Supervisory Board (term 2019 – 2023)
- Mr. Pham Duc Minh: member of Supervisory Board (term 2018 – 2022)
- Mr. Bui Minh Tuan: member of Supervisory Board (term 2020 – 2024).
4) The EGM approved the amendment of the Company’s charter.