Friday, March 14, 2025 4:31:31 PM - Markets open
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HNX-INDEX 242.73 +1.42/+0.59%
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VNDS: Announcement of cash dividend payment
HOSE - 7/10/2020 4:26:00 PM
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VNDIRECT Securities Corporation (short name: VNDS) announces a record date for cash dividend payment for 2019 as follows:

1)      Issuer: VNDIRECT Securities Corporation

2)      Stock code: VND

3)      Par value: VND10,000

4)      Record date: July 21, 2020              

5)      Purpose: to make cash dividend payment for 2019.

6)      Detailed information:

-          Exercise ratio: 5%/par value (500 dongs/share)

-          Payment date: July 29, 2020

-          Place of payment:

  • Shareholders whose shares have been deposited: at the securities firms where the shares have been deposited.
  • Shareholders whose shares have not been deposited: at VNDIRECT Securities Corporation.


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