“Pursuant to Listing Regulations at HNX attached to Decision No.639/QD-SGDHN dated 13/10/2016 and Decision No. 958/QD-SGDHN dated 24/11/2017 on the amendment, supplement of Listing Regulation, HNX announces that the alert in information disclosure on the following stock has been removed:
- Issuer: Vietnam Industrial & Commercial Securities Corporation
- Stock code: VIG
- Effective date: 12/5/2020
- Reason: The Company has not violated information disclosure at least 06 months since Hanoi Stock Exchange put the stock of the company under alert, according to Point 4.3, Clause 4, Article 13 of Listing regulations.
- The VIG stock still is under alert because of financial reason according to Announcement No. 276/TB-SGDHN dated 02/4/2014 of Hanoi Stock Exchange.”
(source: www.hnx.vn)