Thursday, March 13, 2025 9:04:05 AM - Markets open
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GIL: Record date for implementing rights
HSX - 4/7/2020 2:55:00 PM
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On April 03, 2020, the Hochiminh Stock Exchange issued Announcement No.541/TB-SGDHCM about the record date of Binh Thanh Import Export Production and Trade Joint Stock Company as follows:

-       Ex-right date: April 14, 2020

-       Record date: April 15, 2020

  1. Reason & Purpose: to implement the purchase rights.
  2. Content:

-       Exercise ratio: 2:1 (shareholder who owns 01 share will receive 01 right, and with every 02 rights will be entitled to purchase 01 new share).

-       Expected issue volume: 12,000,000 shares

-       Issuing price: 15,000 dongs/share

-       How to deal with fractional shares: The number of newly issued shares bought by each existing shareholder will be rounded down. The fractional shares and the shares refused to buy (if any) will be decided by the Board of Directors. These shares will be restricted in 01 year from the finish date of the issuance.

-       For example: At the record date, the shareholder A owns 1,001 shares. With 2:1 performing ratio, the shareholder A will purchase: (1,001 * 1)/2 = 500.50 shares. According to rounding policy, the shareholder A purchases 500 new shares. The fractional shares of 0.5 will be decided by the Board of Directors.

-       Regulation on rights transfer:

  • Time for rights transference: from April 22, 2020 to May 11, 2020
  • The rights should be transferred only once.

-     Regulation on securities purchased:

  • Time for subscription and deposit: from April 22, 2020 to May 15, 2020
  • The new shares are freely transferable.

-     Place to receive subscription:

  • Shareholders whose shares have been deposited: at the securities firms where shares have been deposited.
  • Shareholders whose shares have not been deposited: at Binh Thanh Import Export Production and Trade Joint Stock Company.

-     Bank for blocking depository money:

  • Account holder: Binh Thanh Import Export Production and Trade Joint Stock Company
  • Account number: 201 110 4178005
  • Bank: Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank – Bac Sai Gon Branch.


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