LICOGI 16 Joint Stock Company (LCG) announces the Board resolution dated March 11, 2020 as follows:
1. The Board of Directors approved the result of stock issuance to the existing shareholders as follows:
- Number of shares registered to offer: 29,399,898 shares\
- Exercise ratio: 10:3 (shareholder who owns 01 share will receive 01 right, and with every 10 rights will be entitled to purchase 03 new shares).
- Number of shares subscribed and paid: 2,407 shares; Of which:
- The number of shares that shareholders have been deposited: 2,407 shares;
- The number of shares that shareholders have not been deposited: 0 share.
- Total value of offering: VND 24,070,000
- Number of undistributed shares: 29,397,491 shares
2. The Board of Directors approved to handle the number of undistributed shares that shareholders did not exercise the purchase rights as follows:
- The number of remaining undistributed shares of 29,397,491 shares will be cancelled due to shareholders did not exercise the purchase rights.
- The company will use other funds to contribute capital in Dien Phuoc Service – Trading – Construction Com Ltd to implement Dien Phuoc land project.