Viettronics Tan Binh Joint Stock Company (VTB) announces Board Resolution No.26/2019 dated January 18, 2020 as follows:
1. The Board of Directors approved the business performance in 2019 of VTB and member companies:
Revenue and profit in the 2019:
- Separate revenue: 149.07 billion dongs (33.1% of the revenue target of 450.4 billion dongs)
- Consolidated revenue: 374.0 billion dongs (62.5% of the revenue target of 598.0 billion dongs)
- Separate profit before tax: 9.03 billion dongs (49.7% of the revenue target of 18.1 billion dongs)
- Consolidated profit before tax: 21.4 billion dongs (87.3% of the revenue target of 24.5 billion dongs)
2. The Board of Directors approved the business targets for the 2020:
- Separate revenue: 200.0 billion dongs
- Consolidated revenue: 415.0 billion dongs
- Separate profit before tax: 11.0 billion dongs
- Consolidated profit before tax: 22.5 billion dongs.
3. Report on projects Pham Van Hai, Cat Lai, 248 A No Trang Long.