The Board resolution dated July 31, 2019, Ba Ria Thermal Power Joint Stock Company approved the following issues:
- The Board of Directors approved the business plan in Q2.2019:
- Total output of production electricity: 204.07 million kWh
- Total output of commercial electricity: 199.00 million kWh
- Total revenue: 773.234 billion dongs
- Total expenses: 696.517 billion dongs
- Profit before tax: 76.717 billion dongs.
2. The Board of Directors approved the business plan in Q3.2019:
- Total output of production electricity: 314.00 million kWh
- Total output of commercial electricity: 305.43 million kWh
- Total revenue: 495.907 billion dongs
- Total expenses: 463.752 billion dongs
- Profit before tax: 32.155 billion dongs.