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Slow and steady mango export success
Vietnam News - 5/29/2019 11:03:40 AM
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While getting Vietnamese mangoes approved for shipment to the US was a roaring success, local exporters aren’t resting on their laurels.
Phan Thị Thu Hiền, Director of the Post-Import Plant Quarantine Centre II under the Plant Protection Department, said all batches of mangoes exported by 12 local enterprises since April have met US regulations. However, a few Hòa Lộc mangoes went off quickly due to the inexperience of the businesses.
Shipping fresh food to remote markets is always a challenge due to the damage cause by transportation, preservation and sales, so there’s no need to worry about progress in this new market, according to Hiền.
So far, about 130 tonnes of mangoes have been exported to the US from five provinces and cities. Of which, 80 tonnes have been exported by the Vina T&T Import Export Trading Service Co, Ltd based in HCM City, the Nguời lao động (The Labourer) newspaper reports.
Besides shipping by air, the company had shipped two batches by sea, Nguyễn Đình Tùng, Vina T&T general director said. The first batch reached supermarkets in the US in good condition after 23 days at sea.
Ngô Tường Vy, Deputy Director of Chánh Thu Fruit Import and Export Company Limited in Bến Tre Province, the first company to export mangoes to the US, said the firm had so far shipped about 50 tonnes.
She said the company had temporarily reduced export volume due to seasonal issues and competition with cheap Mexican mangoes.
The company had difficulties in preservation, leading to high loss rate so it needed to continue improving technology before exporting more at the end of this year, the high season for consumption, Vy said.
Mộc Phát Import Export Co, Ltd based in HCM City had exported four tonnes of fresh mangoes to the US, said Vương Đình Khoát, Mộc Phát’s Chairman of the Board of Members. The company also halted temporarily exports to this market because of the fierce competition in the market.
"Businesses do not need to export in large quantities, it is more important to be efficient," Khoát said.
Khoát, also the Chairman of Toàn Phát Irradiation Co, said his company was waiting to join an irradiation programme for fresh fruits exported to the US so Mộc Phát’s export mangoes must be irradiated by another company.
When in operation, Toàn Phát Irradiation Co, Ltd would cut cost of irradiation service for Vietnamese fruits because now, only Sơn Sơn Company irradiated fresh fruits.
According to Lê Văn Thiệt, Deputy Director of the Plant Protection Department, the US is an important market for Vietnamese fruits so if local companies don't meet import requirements, the risk of losing the market will be very high.
The department has encouraged enterprises to comply with regulations to keep the reputation of Vietnamese fruits. Now pomelos and fresh avocados are under negotiation to be exported to the US.
Meanwhile, Vy said Vietnamese mangoes would need a lot of promotional activities among American consumers to increase their competitiveness over mangoes from Thailand and Mexico. - VNS
Read original article here
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