On April 10, 2019, the General Meeting of Shareholders approved the plan for convertible bond issuance as follows:
1. Approving the plan for bond issuance:
ü Issuer: Agro Nutrition International Joint Stock Company
ü Bond type: convertible, unsecured bond and without warrants
ü Consulting company: Techcom Securities Joint Stock Company (TCBS)
ü Agent for registration and transfer: Techcom Securities Joint Stock Company (TCBS)
ü Issue value: VND300,000,000,000
ü Issue time: expected in Q2.2019
ü Bond term: 03 years
ü Bond form: book entry
ü Issue method: private placement
ü Par value: VND100,000
ü Issue volume: 3,000,000 bonds
ü Interest rate: 0%/year or put throught between the issuer and trading parties.
ü Currency for issue and payment: VND
- Approving the addiitonal stock issuance to convert the bond and implement the plan for convertible bonds into shares:
ü Convertible price:VND32,000/share
ü Number of issue shares to convert: 9,375,000 shares
ü Plan to deal with fractional shares: When the convertible bonds into shares, the number of converted shares will be rounded down to dozen. The fractional shares will be decided by the Board of Directors.
- Approving the charter capital increase after completing the additional stock issuance.