On February 27, 2019, Mekong Fisheries Joint Stock Company announced a plan for issuing bonus stock from the Company’s capital surplus in order to raise its charter capital more than 120 billion dongs as follows:
- The Board of Directors completed procedures to collect shareholders’ opinions on the bonus issuance in the annual general meeting of shareholders that will be organized on March 16, 2019.
- The plan for bonus issuance:
- Expected issue volume: 2,410,710 shares
- Total issue value: 24,107,100,000 dongs
- Issue ratio: 30% (Those who own 100 shares will receive 30 new shares.)
- Financial resource: the capital surplus at 12/31/2018
- Time of implementation: in Quarter 2 of 2019
- Plan for dealing with fractional shares: the bonus shares will be rounded down. The fractional shares will be bought back by the Company and paid to shareholders at 10,000 dongs/share.
- Number of shares after the issuance: 12,346,411 shares
- Charter capital after the issuance: 123,464,110,000 dongs.