First Real.,JSC announces the causes for the decrease in its total assets from 10% and more in the 2019 audited separate financial statements and consolidated financial statements, as follows:
- According to the 2018 audited separate financial statements, the total assets of First Real.,JSC is VND654,959,986,671 (after adjusted);
- According to the 2019 audited separate financial statements, the total assets of First Real.,JSC is VND450,684,097,806.
- According to the 2018 audited consolidated financial statements, the total assets of the Company is VND652,463,250,763 (after adjusted);
- According to the 2019 audited consolidated financial statements, the total assets of the Company is VND450,217,130,070.
Reason: The fluctuation was mainly caused by the decrease in short-term assets.
Of which:
- Short-term receivables dropped VND75 billion;
- Advanced payments to suppliers declined VND134 billion;
- Inventories went down VND86 billion.