HTT: Resolution on the AGM 2019
HSX - 10/2/2019 2:08:00 PM
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On September 23, 219, Ha Tay Trading Joint Stock Company announces the Resolution of the Annual General Meeting 2019 (AGM) as follows:
- Not through the report of the Board of Directors in 2018 with 1,721,430 approved shares, equivalent to 34.79% of the total voting shares; 3,173,180 disagreed shares, equivalent to 64.13% of the total voting shares; 2,790 shares, equivalent to 0.06% of the total voting shares of shareholders who attended and authorized at the meeting.
- Not through the report on the Supervisory Board in 2018 with 1,721,430 approved shares, equivalent to 34.79% of the total voting shares; 3,173,180 disagreed shares, equivalent to 64.13% of the total voting shares; 2,790 shares, equivalent to 0.06% of the total voting shares of shareholders who attended and authorized at the meeting.
- Not through the report on the business result in 2018 and business plan in 2019 with 1,721,430 approved shares, equivalent to 34.79% of the total voting shares; 3,173,180 disagreed shares, equivalent to 64.13% of the total voting shares; 2,790 shares, equivalent to 0.06% of the total voting shares of shareholders who attended and authorized at the meeting.
- Not through the audited financial statements in 2018 with 1,721,430 approved shares, equivalent to 34.79% of the total voting shares; 3,173,180 disagreed shares, equivalent to 64.13% of the total voting shares; 2,790 shares, equivalent to 0.06% of the total voting shares of shareholders who attended and authorized at the meeting.
- Not through the selection of the auditor for the financial statements in 2019 with 1,721,430 approved shares, equivalent to 34.79% of the total voting shares; 3,173,080 disagreed shares, equivalent to 64.13% of the total voting shares; 2,890 shares, equivalent to 0.06% of the total voting shares of shareholders who attended and authorized at the meeting.
- Not through the amendment of the company’s charter with 1,721,430 approved shares, equivalent to 34.79% of the total voting shares; 3,173,180 disagreed shares, equivalent to 64.13% of the total voting shares; 2,790 shares, equivalent to 0.06% of the total voting shares of shareholders who attended and authorized at the meeting.
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Last updated at 11:24:59 AM
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