Tuesday, March 4, 2025 6:33:06 AM - Markets open
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BII: Notice of record date for issuing bonus shares and shares to outstanding shareholders
HNX - 7/30/2015 9:43:00 AM
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1. Issuer: Bao Thu Development and Investment Joint Stock Company
2. Stock code: BII
3. Stock type: Common stock
4. Par value: VND 10,000
5. Record date: 07/08/2015
6. Ex-date: 05/08/2015
7. Reasons:
        * Bonus share issue to outstanding shareholders:
          - Exercise rate: 10% (Shareholders are entitled to receive 10 shares for every 100 shares they oown)
          - Exercise place:
               + For undeposited shares: Bao Thu Development and Investment Joint Stock Company on working days (Address: No. 50, Street No. 2, Hung Gia 5 Quarter, Tan Phong Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh city, phone number: 08.54106979 . Securities certificate and Identification Card (original copy) are required.
               + For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited
          - Rounding method, handling of shares representing less than one unit: Number of shares received will be rounded down to units digit. Odd share will be cancelled.

     * Share issue to outstanding shareholders:
          - Number of shares to be issued: 21,648,000 shares
          - Exercise rate: 100:66 (Shareholders are entitled to buy 66 new shares for every 100 shares they own).
          - Issue price: VND 10,000
          - For odd lot shares and undistributed shares: Number of shares received will be rounded down to units digit. Odd shares and unsold shares will be distributed to other subjects with price not lower than that offered to outstanding shareholders.
          - Blocked account:
               + Account name: Bao Thu Development and Investment Joint Stock Company
               + Bank name: An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank - Phu My Hung Branch
               + Account number: 0201004015045
          - Stock type: free transfer
          - Time for transfer of purchase rights:
               + Start date: 17/08/2015
               + End date: 10/09/2015
          - Time for registration:
               + Start date: 17/08/2015
               + End date: 14/09/2015
          - Exercise Place:
               + For undeposited shares: Bao Thu Development and Investment Joint Stock Company on working days. Securities certificate and Identification Card (original copy) are required. In case of authorization, a proxy with certified seal of the local authority is further requested in addition to the mentioned above.
               + For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited
          - Share purchase rights can be transferred once and is not allowed to transfer to the third party
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